Stilll need 2 more golfers Friday 14th -- already paid.

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Fifth Gear
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Stilll need 2 more golfers Friday 14th -- already paid.

Post by jhwalker »

Tell that brother-in-law who thinks you are a douche :clap: Or the father-in-law who has never really liked you. 8-) Maybe you can turn the sitch around :violin:
Folks I still have two open spots for the Friday Oct 14 Event. They are covered by our sponsorship. :dance: (we will find some way to pull some money for the charity :lol: ) You can play on a decent course, maybe win prizes, eat well -- for a good cause. :clap:
PM me or ask any questions here. This is event year 34, and the older I get the harder it gets to promote/manage this from Mexico (the strokes did not help :lol: )
We think that we will wrap it up next year with #35. Terri has been working with, and raising funds for ECF since age 15.
Fourth Gear

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